Your Hearing Aid Maintenance Checklist

Once you’ve found hearing aids that suit your needs, you’ll naturally want to ensure they stay in good working order for as long as possible. Proper maintenance is key to extending the life of your devices and ensuring optimal performance. Below are some practical tips to help keep your hearing aids in excellent condition. Daily…
Habits You Should Quit for Your Hearing Health

For many, New Year’s resolutions may already be falling by the wayside. But don’t worry if you haven’t started that novel or made it to the gym every day, you still have plenty of time to make positive changes. A great way to begin is by eliminating habits that could be damaging your hearing. Here…
Tips for Caring for Your Hearing Aids During Winter Weather

A chill in the air or even rain or snow are not unusual this time of year. As the temperatures drop, here are several steps you can take to ensure your hearing aids remain in good shape. Double Check Your Devices Prolonged exposure to moisture and condensation can damage your hearing aids, so it’s particularly…
Habits to Prevent Hearing Loss
Hearing loss often happens gradually, making it difficult for people to notice as it develops. In the U.S., approximately one in eight individuals aged 12 and older experiences hearing loss in one or both ears. The most prevalent type of hearing loss is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), which occurs from exposure to loud sounds over…
A Parent’s Guide to School Hearing Screenings

Hearing plays a crucial role in a child’s development, especially during their formative school years. Early detection of hearing issues can significantly affect a child’s ability to learn and socialize. According to a World Health Organization study, undiagnosed hearing loss in children can hinder their progress in areas like language development, literacy and social skills….
Back-To-School With Hearing Loss: Tips To Help Your Child

As the back-to-school season kicks off, parents and children are busy with the usual preparations. However, for the approximately 34 million children worldwide with hearing loss, getting ready for school involves some additional steps. Let’s explore how attending school with hearing loss is unique, discover ways to support your child and see how hearing aids…
How To Embrace Hearing Aids With Style

Hearing aids are sophisticated devices that do more than just amplify sounds; they offer clarity, reconnection and a better quality of life to the wearer. With all these devices offer, you may be surprised to learn that of Americans aged 20-64 who need hearing aids, only 16% use them. Many potential users hesitate, fearing that…
Can Auditory Rehabilitation Help You?

Auditory rehabilitation, also known as hearing or audiologic rehabilitation, is a comprehensive approach to managing hearing loss that goes beyond just using hearing aids. When hearing loss is left untreated, even for a short period, the brain can forget how to process sounds. This is akin to forgetting information after putting off studying or struggling…
Can Earwax Buildup Cause Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, the perception of ringing or buzzing in the ears with no external source, affects approximately 50 million people in the United States. While not a disease itself, tinnitus often appears as a symptom of other conditions. One frequent cause of this internal ringing is earwax buildup or impaction. Let’s explore the connection between earwax…
What if I Dislike My New Hearing Aids?

Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids. While hearing aids are an indispensable tool offering clear communication to those with hearing loss, they may not always feel that way at first. When you get a new cell phone, it can be exciting to use a new piece of technology,…